Forest as a Geopolitical Stage

Visual Identity

Kansallisteatteri (Finnish National Theater), 2024

“Forest as a Geopolitical Stage asks how different practices and ways of knowing, such as indigenous and ancestral knowledges, scientific research, art and activism could together contribute to the ecological and just transition of the forest sector. The 3-day event consists of talks, discussions, performances, a screening and a workshop in Stansvik forest, which is under threat of being logged. ”

During March, these text-based works were exhibited on the digital screens of the facade and interior of the Finnish National Theatre.

More about project 

“The Forest as a Geopolitical Stage initiative emerged at a time when a Finnish-led corporation built and opened the world’s biggest single line pulp mill in Uruguay and further increased monoculture by establishing vast new eucalyptus plantations in the country. Paradoxically, Finland is looking for ways to reduce carbon emissions and halt the loss of biodiversity within its own borders. This state of affairs repeats the dynamic, rooted in colonialism, between the global north and the global south.”